May The Odds Be Ever in Your Favor?
What if You Could?
You win some. You lose some. Success is not a single momentous event, nor is failure.
Both are the sum of a long chain of events. The difference between a win and a loss is often tiny. Many events in the chain only gave you a 50/50 chance. What if you could nudge “chance” slightly in your favor?
Do you believe Murphy’s Law? “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Do you feel that “If it weren’t for bad luck, you wouldn’t have any luck at all?” Have you been called “a glass is half empty” kind of person?
Or are you more of a; “Every cloud has a silver lining,” “It always works out in the end — If it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end,” a “glass is half full kind of person? Does thinking one way or the other make any difference?
One of my favorite quotes is from Nikola Tesla: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Fortunately, some scientists have been studying non-physical phenomena and how; what you believe about it affects your results.
I will use Tesla’s description: “non-physical phenomena” because that includes many modes; ESP, psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and more.
Over 70 Years of Research
One review of 73 studies (totaling 685,000 trials by 4,500 participants) from 1947 to 1993¹ 1 and another reviewed 49 experiments from 43 researchers and 113,431 trials from 1994 to 2015, 2 found significant differences between two types of people; those that feel non-physical phenomena are real and those that feel it is not.
Do You Feel Lucky?
Are you a Sheep or a goat? The non-physical phenomena studies above categorized participants into two groups. Researchers asked participants simple questions before the test, like, “Do you believe it is possible that ESP can be shown under the conditions of this experiment?” 3 Believers were put in the sheep group, and the others were in the goat group.
Different studies tested various non-physical phenomena; ESP, psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition.
Some studies use technology like computers and random number generators. Others used all sorts of non-technical methods, cards, sticks (I Ching), Ping-Pong balls, etc.
The studies used many different methods but got the same results; Sheep and goats scored very differently. Here are two examples of tests.
When a participant was successful at a task, it is called a “hit.” When they are unsuccessful, it is called a “miss.” In one test, researchers used a random number generator to produce numbers from 1–200 continuously.
The participant might be asked to influence the device to produce more numbers below 100. Whenever the device has a number below 100, it would be a hit.
Other studies used 50 ping-pong balls numbered 1–5 (10 of each number). The participant is asked to guess what number they will pick before they blindly pull one out of the bag.² When they guessed correctly, it was a hit.
You probably guessed that the sheep got more hits than average. Did you also guess the nonbelieving goat’s results showed no influence? If you did, you would be wrong.
The goats not only got fewer hits than the sheep, but they also did worse than average! In other words, if a coin is flipped 1,000s of times and nobody was trying to influence it, it would be 50% heads and 50% tails.
If a sheep was told to try for heads, the results might be 50.5 heads and 49.5 tails. The researchers call this a tiny difference but highly significant.
In other words, if a goat was told to try for heads, the results were not a 50/50 split like you may expect. The goats did worse than average. They got the opposite of what they were asked to do — more tails than heads! Ironically, the goat’s disbelief in non-physical phenomena proved its existence as much as the sheep’s.
Want More Proof?
We talked about success or failure being the sum total of a long chain of events. You now know what you believe can swing things for or against you. Want to see what the impact of influencing a chain of events in your favor looks like?
You can see the stunning effect of a chick’s mind on a mobile random generator in my other article, Spooky Intention at a Distance.
May the odds be ever in your favor?
Wayne Gretzky said you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. These studies show you are also more likely to miss shots you don’t believe you can make. And you can make more shots if you believe you can.
May the odds be ever in your favor? Yes.
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